Hello, I'm Pedro Cardoso, Brazilian indie developer!

The game will be released on STEAM. The period I am estimating is 2 months.

it was the first 4 days of development, including programming and sprite creation.

This is a simple version of the game. I will update it constantly.

History: Jones and the rest of the Forest Keepers were summoned to lure the monsters and destroy them among the trees to save it from a terrible curse.


- It's a project I'm doing alone ( Programming and Pixel Art ).

- I'm working on a demo with more features to better show the gameplay.

- What I will add in the next updates:

- Card system to improve skills.

- Better enemy spawn.

- Trees will be destroyed enlarging the battlefield.

- The character will die.

- New projectile mechanics and passive weapons to buy and upgrade.

Note: News related to history, achievements and everything else I release little by little.

Development log


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Very good game, great art style and sound effects, looking forward for the updates and release.